Please conduct a research paper and a 4-5 slide PowerPoint that goes with the re


Please conduct a research paper and a 4-5 slide PowerPoint that goes with the re

Please conduct a research paper and a 4-5 slide PowerPoint that goes with the research paper, also include an abstract page. The topic is: ″The Darker side of fairytales″. Instructions are below.
Overview: This Final Paper is based on the Darker Side of Fairy
Tales in relation to a psychological principle and/or disorder that corresponds to this course. Psychological Disorders – Chapter 15(Psychology 2e book) is the foundation for your work. For this assignment, you are the Clinical Psychologist responsible for determining your client′s (i.e., Snow White, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Pinocchio, etc..) presenting symptoms based on your research.
Learning objectives: By the end of this exercise, the student will:
Review various fairy tales to identify one for further investigation
Determine whether to conduct research on the author(s) of and/or the fairy tale and the meaning behind why he or she wrote it
Choose one story of most interest for further research on the psychological disorder(s) you have associated with it
The research paper instructions include:
Conduct research such as articles and historical writings (books), that are relevant to your subject to support your paper.
Chapter 15, on Psychological Disorders is to be used as the basis for identifying the disorder(s) and/or comorbidity of your subject′s mental health situation.
NOT included in the page count is the: title page, abstract, table of contents, and reference page.
The paper is to be 5-7 double-spaced, numbered pages.
Please do not click the enter key twice between paragraphs, indent instead
The font: 12 point, Times New Roman or Arial.
Writing style: APA
Please remember to include citations in the body of the paper, as well as the reference page at the end of the paper


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