Please before you start make sure you know how to do MIPS because I paid 3 times


Please before you start make sure you know how to do MIPS because I paid 3 times

Please before you start make sure you know how to do MIPS because I paid 3 times already and no one did it right, every person i got either used ChatGpt or other website.
I’m going to post 2 of my mips codes that i’m trying to fix . I only need one. my game is about where arthe player is ‘@’, obstacles are ‘#’, and the finish line is ‘$’. when you type those letters in the keyboard , the player should move: ‘w’ to move up, ‘s’ to move down, ‘a’ to move left, and ‘d’ to move right. I want to have obstacles in the game, so the player can try to avoid them to get to the finish line and reach the finish line to score points. if you press ‘q’ or ‘Q’ to quit the game. you got 60 seconds to score every point or you will lose.
I’m going to upload a C code for the game that’s working perfectly fine, and you basically have to translate it into mips assembly which i already have two codes but none of them are working. PLz make sure the game works and you can play it in mars 4.5.


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