PART ONE:  Your mental health topic and people reached can be local, national, a


Your mental health topic and people reached can be local, national, a

Your mental health topic and people reached can be local, national, and/or global.
Specify the underserved community and consumers-customers-patients you will reach.
Explain why particular demographic and cultural identities and experiences are important for improving personal health concerns, socioeconomic concerns, and sociopolitical concerns.
Select 3 textbook chapters that connect to your mental health topic.
explain how the 3 textbook chapters provide examples of ways to reach underserved communities and consumers-customers-patients in need of mental health services.
Choose any 3 of the pdf readings. Explain how the readings provide examples for improving mental health services and improving people’s mental health.
Based on “A Different Kind of Force” ( ) should police be “first responders” when police are trained in CIT ( ), trained to help with substance use overdose such as NARCAN ( ) and trained in crisis de-escalation ( ) ?
Based on “A Different Kind of Force”  YouTube video and PART ONE of Assignment, explain why generations of people in underserved communities often do not trust police and often request assistance rather than calling 911.
Create Conclusion,  Explain whether you will (culturally inclusively and respectfully) encourage underserved communities to use health resources and crisis resources even if the resources are presented by law enforcement agencies, police, and military connections.  (Example: How the U.S. 1033 Program connects military with U.S. police departments and furthers funding issues and health issues - 
If you do want to encourage underserved communities to trust law enforcement representatives as health resources, explain how you will present this information to underserved communities in the Conclusion.
If you do not want to encourage underserved communities to trust law enforcement representatives as health resources, explain other realistic and other cost-effective methods you will encourage/provide to underserved communities in the Conclusion. 
**** In each paragraph lead with your most powerful, reader capturing sentence .


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