ompetency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following co


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following co

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:
Analyze investment needs and asset allocation strategies
Create investment portfolio recommendations
For this project, you are a portfolio manager who works with many clients. Using your knowledge of investments and current market factors, you will recommend specific investment options based on the client’s goals and risk tolerance. Recognize that clients may not be aware of their ability to manage risk nor how it aligns with their life objectives. As a portfolio manager, you will build relationships with your clients that will allow you to recognize their risk tolerance and communicate when their portfolio may not coincide with their goals.
Use the learning from your milestone assignments, along with your knowledge of investments, to research and create an investment policy statement based on the factors above.
Using a client profile from the High-Level Profiles document provided in the Supporting Materials section, create an investment policy statement based on the Project Two Portfolio Calculation Template. To complete this project, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Part One: For Part One of this project, you will do the needed calculations and research to inform your investment policy statement. You will include a written summary that is supported by appropriate calculations.
Interpret a client’s current portfolio to identify the asset allocation strategy. Address the following in your response:
Investments currently held
Alignment with client profile
Determine the client’s investment objective(s). Address the following in your response:
Gaps between current financial state and goals
Investment needs (e.g., education, retirement, business venture)
Future plans
Analyze how current economic factors influence specific investment options that align to the client’s goals. Address the following in your response:
Current political status
Global events
Analyze how the state of the current markets influences specific investment options that align to the client’s goals. Address the following in your response:
Use the U.S stock market, the international stock market, the U.S. bond market, and the commodities market.
Identify the state-attractiveness.
Support the selection of investment options.
Forecast potential market impacts on portfolio recommendations, using the portfolio calculation template. Address the following calculations in your response:
Future trends
Historical data
Multiple time horizons
Measure the risk of different asset allocation strategies, using appropriate calculations in the portfolio calculation template. Address the following in your response:
Risk of individual investments and impact on portfolio
Risk of portfolio
Compare asset allocation strategies and their risks with a client’s risk tolerance. Address the following in your written summary:
Risk optimization (minimize, maximize, etc.)
Strategies for asset allocation (age-based, life-cycle funds, constant-weight, tactical, insured, and dynamic)
Goal factors
Time horizon
Part Two: In this part of the project, you will create an investment policy statement that highlights your recommendations based on your previous findings.
Recommend an asset allocation strategy that best fits the client’s needs in the form of an investment policy statement. Address the following in your statement on why that asset allocation strategy is the best fit:
Viability, stability
Tax efficiency
Level of risk and alignment with client’s risk tolerance
Alignment with client’s goals
Expected return and client’s needs
Withdrawal requirements
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Investment Policy Statement
This project requires two deliverables, a completed Excel spreadsheet using the Project Two Portfolio Calculation Template and a 3- to 5-page Microsoft Word document.
The Project Two Calculation Template contains formulas used in the investment allocations.
A 3- to 5-page Microsoft Word document supporting adjustments within the investment policy statement should use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.


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