I am writing a argumentative essay on why technology is bad for teens′ (I still


I am writing a argumentative essay on why technology is bad for teens′
(I still

I am writing a argumentative essay on why technology is bad for teens′
(I still need to finish writing the last page but I want to make sure everything is correct so far)
Checklist for Final Paper
Entire Paper
o Double space entire document.
o Remove extra spaces between paragraphs.
o Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.
o Include an engaging hook (a narrative, a surprising or unlikely aspect of your issue, or an intriguing question—just be prepared to answer the question in your paper)
o Provide context/background on the issue
o End with your thesis statement
Body Paragraphs
o Follow the “reasons + support (underlying reasons and evidence)” method in your body paragraphs
o Support each point you make with a variety of evidence (facts, stats, examples, expert opinions, etc.) from your sources.
o Consider the strategies for organizing your argument and the best place to engage with counterarguments and naysayers.
o Use the “reverse funnel” method.
o Reiterate your claim.
o Revisit the “who cares?” and “so what?”
Source Use
o Be sure you are paraphrasing, quoting, and summarizing correctly.
o Don’t forget signal verbs and framing source material (Ch. 2 and 3 in They Say, I Say offer verb examples and templates to help with this). Avoid free-standing or “hit-and-run” quotes throughout your document.
o Make sure all in-text citations correspond to the sources listed on the Works Cited page.
Works Cited Page
o Include a correct title.
o Continue double spacing.
o Use a hanging indent.
o Alphabetize sources.
o Include the correct number and types of sources (see assignment directions).


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