For your NURS 321 course project on Evidence-Based Practice Changes Using Interp


For your NURS 321 course project on Evidence-Based Practice Changes Using Interp

For your NURS 321 course project on Evidence-Based Practice Changes Using Interprofessional Teams, focusing on
(Reducing Nosocomial Infections), here’s a detailed breakdown and guide to structuring your paper:
prompts.Examples of libraries or websites that use can use:
Medline – Advanced Search
Using MeSH for More Targeted PubMed Searching
1. *Introduction*:
– Describe the Practice Problem: Begin by explaining what nosocomial infections are, including common types (e.g., MRSA, C. difficile). Discuss the prevalence and impact of these infections on patient outcomes and healthcare costs.
– *Rationale for Selection*: Explain why reducing nosocomial infections is crucial, citing data on infection rates, consequences for patient health, and economic burden on healthcare systems.
– *PICOT Question*: Formulate a specific PICOT question. For example:
– *P (Problem)*: Nosocomial infections in hospitalized patients
– *I (Intervention)*: Implementation of a rigorous infection control program
– *C (Comparison)*: Standard infection control measures
– *O (Outcomes)*: Reduction in the incidence of nosocomial infections
– *T (Time)*: Within the first year of implementation
2. *Literature Review*:
*Literature Search Process*: Describe how you searched for literature. Include databases searched (e.g., PubMed, CINAHL), keywords used (e.g., “hospital-acquired infections,” “infection control,” “healthcare-associated infections”), and inclusion and exclusion criteria (such as studies published within the last five years, studies in English, etc.).
– *Analysis of Articles*: For each of the five selected research studies, evaluate their credibility by looking at the study design, sample size, and methodology. Discuss the strengths (like robust methodology, large sample size) and limitations (such as small sample size, limited generalizability).
– *Summary of Findings*: Compare and contrast the findings of these studies. Highlight consistent results and note any discrepancies or surprising outcomes.
– *Gaps in Literature*: Identify any gaps revealed by the studies, such as lack of long-term outcome data or limited studies on certain types of infections.
3. *Conclusion and Proposed Practice Change*:
– *Propose a Change*: Based on the evidence, suggest a specific change in practice, such as enhancing staff training on infection control, introducing new sterilization technologies, or implementing stricter hand hygiene protocols.
– *Interprofessional Team*: Detail the roles of various healthcare professionals (nurses, doctors, infection control specialists) in planning, implementing, and evaluating the proposed change.
– *Plan, Implementation, and Evaluation*: Outline steps for implementation, including staff training, monitoring compliance, and periodic evaluation of infection rates. Describe how the effectiveness of the intervention will be measured.
– *Costs*: Discuss the estimated costs of implementing the new protocols and any expected financial benefits, such as reduced treatment costs due to fewer infections.
– *Barriers to Implementation*: Address potential challenges, such as resistance to change among staff or budget constraints, and suggest ways to overcome these barriers.
– *Further Research*: Suggest areas for further investigation, like the effectiveness of specific technologies or strategies in different hospital settings.
4. *References*:
– Ensure all sources are correctly cited in APA format, focusing on recent studies from the last five years to meet academic standards.
This structured outline will help you cover all necessary aspects of the assignment, ensuring a comprehensive analysis and proposal for reducing nosocomial infections.


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