Following on from your Assessment 2, you have been asked to attend and present a


Following on from your Assessment 2, you have been asked to attend and present a

Following on from your Assessment 2, you have been asked to attend and present a pre-recorded persuasive video presentation at the upcoming Australian Conference of Economists (ACE)Links to an external site.. You will be required to prepare a suitable video presentation, create an event resource material piece targeted towards your audience and prepare a potential communication post promoting your involvement at the event.
The purpose of this assessment task is for you to get a better understanding of how the networking process occurs in practice in the business environment as well as a picture of the role that academic rigour and the scientific method, which you will learn at RMIT, are scrutinised professionally in these networking events. You will also learn how to translate technical work to non-technical audiences, helping your stakeholders to navigate problems in the real world – this is an incredibly important skill in rigorous, science-based disciplines, like economics.
This individual assessment task is the third part of your (3) three part assessment journey.
Learning Outcomes
The targeted Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) for this assessment are:
CLO1: Explain how modern businesses operate and how they respond to different challenges.
CLO2: Design conceptual models to make sense of the environment in which business operate.
CLO3: Evaluate the impact of governments and their role in responding to varying domestic and global challenges.
CLO4: Apply digital literacy to navigate practical situations in a modern business environment.
Marking Criteria
This assessment will measure your ability to:
Prepare a persuasive video presentation with supporting notes/slides or visual aids on the topic (see workbook below). (Task 1)
Design and present a supporting resource or material that highlights the presentation content. (Task 2)
Write and develop a professional message aligned to your communication goals. (Task 3)
Assessment Details
Well done, you did a terrific job following instructions from your manager in the preparation of your first project (Assessment 2). You have been invited to attend the Australian Conference of Economists (ACE), promote your organisation’s fair booth and most importantly present your latest findings in a prerecorded persuasive video presentation. You will be taking guidance and instruction directly from your manager.
Using the interactive below follow the instructions from your manager and explore the learning resources and assessment guidance to support your attendance and presentation at the ACE.
Submission Details
This assessment requires you to submit the Assessment 3 Task List Workbook which contains the following files and url links.
Task 1: Video presentation link (generated from Canvas Studios, YouTube, Vimeo etc) accompanying PowerPoint slides.
Task 2: Supporting digital resource link or PDF.
Task 3: Communication piece link, screenshot or PDF.
The Task Workbook is to be submitted electronically using the file naming conventions First_Name_student number_Assessment 3 in Canvas as a PDF or Word document. Please ensure all links and graphics are in working order before submission.
Take Care with Submissions
A reminder to please take care when uploading this Assessment. You should CAREFULLY CHECK THAT YOUR WORK IS COMPLETE and that the CORRECT FILE is being uploaded in a timely manner. Students are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of their submissions. It is recommended that you do NOT leave your submission to the final moments.


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