do not use AI my teacher ran it through and told me it’s ai used and plagiarism


do not use AI my teacher ran it through and told me it’s ai used and plagiarism

do not use AI my teacher ran it through and told me it’s ai used and plagiarism and he’s allowing me to do it over !!
HIST-2010-L01 – Early United States History
History 2010
Early Republic Essay
Mar 1, 2024 11:59 PM
USING THE INTERNET, the student is to research any ONE of the topics listed at the bottom of this page. Once the student has completed his/her research, he/she is to type a full 1 page, double spaced, 12 point font summary of what he or she has learned. Heading items such as the student’s name and title, are NOT considered part of the text of an essay and do not factor into the paper’s length requirement. The summary is to be in the student’s own words and not simply a reprinting of the information from the internet. The paper will be evaluated for plagiarism via the both originality and Al detectors in PAWS. Any similarity index equal to or above 30%, even with a source provided, is excessive and will result in deductions, as the essay is no longer considered to be “in the student’s own words.” Plagiarism will be SEVERELY penalized. A confirmed use of Al will result in a “0”.
The only citation required is the url of the website(s) used. (e.g.
Failure to provide a source is also considered plagiarism and will yield a failing
score for the assignment.
Use of “WIKIPEDIA.ORG” is NOT allowed!!! If you use Wikipedia as a source your assignment will not be accepted!!!
This assignment will count as a quiz/ writing assignment grade.


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