Dear Students,   Final paper Proposal & Preliminary analysis & Bibliography due 


Dear Students, 
 Final paper Proposal & Preliminary analysis & Bibliography due 

Dear Students, 
 Final paper Proposal & Preliminary analysis & Bibliography due  April 1 (400 words)
Here is the first part of the work on your Final paper. 
Choosing the subject: focus on one female biblical character (office hour). As I mentioned, it is easier to work on one that we have not discussed in class, unless you are eager to go back and develop one new, original aspect that we did not cover. There are so many that we did not discussed such as Tamar (in Genesis), Jephthah’s daughter, Hannah, Deborah, Delilah, Bath Sheba, Jezebel, Esther, Vashti, Tamar (in 2 Samuel), Ruth and Naomi, Martha and Mary, Salome and Judith. The Samaritan Women at the Wall, or others. 
 Your proposal should include a title, thesis question, the preliminary analysis and 2-3 references: 
The preliminary analysis is based on your own reading of the biblical text, highlighting the narrative challenge from a feminist perspective. Go beyond repeating the obvious. Some of the main challenges are to narrow down the scope of the discussion, and balance between close reading and a broader thesis question. Also, in the spirit of post-colonialism, we do not seek to rescue the protagonist or to take a moral position about her but to interfere with male reading tradition, expose it and suggest alternatives. 
a. Read the biblical narrative closely, learn it through and through. You want to become an expert on it. Draft your ideas, impression, questions, and the tentative direction of your approach. Explore preliminary analysis of the subject using dictionaries, concordance, and other lexical tools. The paper should evolve around one critical question, an argument, or a contested approach that emerges from the text and from your reading. The question has to be open and challenging enough to mobilize the whole project. A question such as, “Is Deborah a strong leader of her community?” is not a good one! Rather, ask, what enables her to be so strong or how her strength is articulated.
b. the second stage: Conduct a small scale research on your topic, choosing the most helpful feminist scholarly books and articles on your subject.  This bibliography should not include more than 2-3 most relevant to your subject. 
a. Many of the assigned readings of this class are chapters in books or are included in edited volumes with work on other women figures (Bach, Bal, Frymer-Kensky). 
b. There is a bibliographical list in the folder of the Canvas resources for you to explore (misc. folder).  
c. Meredith Kahn is the librarian of WGS. They also available in the library for consultation. 
d. Pay attention to your English, your syntax and grammar. (Bible is always capitalized! Run a spelling check before submitting. Do not forget page numbers of quotes) 
e. Cite your resources when appropriate (Scarry 1987: 123) (name of author, year of publication, page#) 
f. Using the words of others without citing and giving credit to their author is considered plagiarism. The same for material from Canvas. 
f. The Sweetland Center at North Quad provides an outstanding assistance to students, including one-on-one peer tutoring, and help in editing and writing. It also provides this link to Harvard’s Writing Center with excellent sites on different stages of writing. (Links to an external site.)
g. Explore and use different links about writing. “Moving from assignment to topic” might be also helpful for your proposal. (Links to an external site.)
h. Use this fantastic website for Biblical translation and close lexical and commentary to an external site. 
I will send more information about the final paper in another announcement,


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