Choose a person, a school, a company or a group of people to have as design clie


Choose a person, a school, a company or a group of people to have as design clie

Choose a person, a school, a company or a group of people to have as design clients (individuals like WEB Du Bois, schools like The Bauhaus, or companies like Knoll) that have been (or will be) covered in this class. Design for them a physical space or object that reflects their ideals but in a 2024 setting. Who you design for, and what you design, is entirely up to you.
To get a sense of what we will cover in the coming weeks, look at the reading selections in the textbook for the rest of the semester. This is a deeper dive into research than covered in class or in the textbook. You are expected to show information that was not covered in the lecture on whatever client you choose. There should also be a specific aspect of their practice or ideology you are focusing on. There are a multitude of considerations (lenses through which you can analyze history) in devising and exploring this new design- societal, formal, materials use, philosophy, maker/designer, class structure, spaces these were intended for, religion, taste, etc.
Deliverables: ONE PDF that includes the following
3-4 Design Renders these can either be digital renders of 3d models you make (to utilize skills from Digital Media Class) or high-quality, hand sketches that are in color and in 3D (to utilize skills from Traditional Media)
The 3-4 reflect mutiple views of the design and can include different perspectives and/or a floorplan
3-4 page paper discussing your design and why your client would like it This is where you weave in 3-4 critical sources on your designer/design group you are designing for (show your research) and include a bibliography of the sources
Justify your design along the lines of what your client would want in 2024
Explain Material/Color/Formal choices as they relate to the client
Bibliography of Sources (listed above)


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