Answer the following question using Python (ensure it’s an easy one and not plag


Answer the following question using Python (ensure it’s an easy one and not plag

Answer the following question using Python (ensure it’s an easy one and not plagiarized), and use Jupyter for the Python work to include screenshots. I have attached the question below and also provided a written version. Additionally, there is a PDF attached which includes screenshots of the desired answers. I have also attached the excel sheet for this part, named 1excel. StudentsPerformance.xlsx.
question 1 – Download the dataset StudentsPerformance.csv ( this is the excel sheet i have attached) from eLearning. Write codes that perform the following:
Read the dataset and have a preview of the dataset. [4 points]
Replace all the missing values (which are represented as “Null”) with the mean of its column. [Hint: you need to replace “Null” with np.NaN first so that you can change the data type and then calculate the mean.] Show that the dataset has no missing value after this step using isnull().sum(). [12 points]
Correct the data types (you should have done it from the last step).
Compute the average of “math score”, “reading score” and “writing score” for each row and add it as a new column named “average score” to the dataset. [5 points]
Create dummy variables for all the columns with categorical values (you can either keep the original columns or drop them). [5 points]
Save the cleaned dataset to your computer and name it StudentsPerformance_cleaned.csv. [4 points] ( this is a excel file i have attached)
Your dataset should look like the below after all the steps (some columns are omitted): ( for this part its in the pdf i have attched the pdf so look fro screenshots there) — check that please
Bonus: compute two different types of graphs that show some meaningful information from the cleaned dataset and briefly explain what each of your graphs shows. [10 points]
[Hint: You can either follow the code from our class to create the graphs (e.g., line plot, scatter plot, box plot, etc.) or go to matplotlib’s examples, choose the type of graphs you want to create and modify the codes accordingly.]
asnwer the question based on writtenj in the file like give me the screenshots of showing the work of python code.


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