1. Watch the video in Part A. 2. Then use the Biochemical Tests Results table in


1. Watch the video in Part A.
2. Then use the Biochemical Tests Results table in

1. Watch the video in Part A.
2. Then use the Biochemical Tests Results table in Part B in order to construct your dichotomous key that identifies the following Bacteria:
Fusobacterium spp.
Vibrio spp.
Klebsiella spp.
Salmonella spp.
Pseudomonas spp.
B. cepacia
Neisseria spp
Veillonella spp.
WHAT TO SUBMIT TO RECEIVE FULL CREDITGraphical view of your Dichotomous Key (I will attach a pdf to show example)
Research and read about the pathologies associated with each of the microbes. Identify and describe current treatment strategies for infections caused by these bacteria. Include information on any known antibiotic resistances. Based on your research, compare the treatment challenges associated with each microbe and conclude with your educated opinion on which bacterial infection (from those you researched) you believe is easier to treat and why. Consider factors such as antibiotic resistance, availability of treatment options, and the overall impact on public health.Submit together with your Dichotomous Key as a second file (pdf)
Evaluation Criteria:Completeness and accuracy of Dichotomous Key.
Accuracy and comprehensiveness of the information presented.
Clarity and logic in comparative analysis and educated opinion.
Proper citation of sources and adherence to report format.
Note: Ensure to use a variety of credible sources for your research, such as scientific journals, reputable medical websites, and textbooks. Avoid over-reliance on any single source of information.
this is the video from Part A
I will attach a file for part B


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