1- Suppose you have a market for bruschetta which is currently in equilibrium. T


1- Suppose you have a market for bruschetta which is currently in equilibrium. T

1- Suppose you have a market for bruschetta which is currently in equilibrium. Thinking of the supply and demand graph for this market, what would have to happen to cause both the equilibrium quantity of bruschetta in this market to fall and the equilibrium price of bruschetta in this market to rise? Is this even something that could happen? provide an incorrect answer
In your answer, please pay attention to and describe what would have to happen to the supply and demand. (You may of course elaborate with any hypothetical “real life” reasons for any changes in the graph too.)
2-Jonny is planning his schedule for the weekend. One of his friends has invited him to a two-day camping trip to Catalina. Another friend has offered an invitation to binge watch the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy (extended edition) on Saturday. His cousin has invited him to a weekend beer tasting festival. Lastly, his uncle has invited him to a weekend of Dungeons and Dragons.
use watermelons
a. Describe how JonnyR might approach this scenario and his decision-making process. Is there an economic concept (or concepts) which best describes Jonny’s scenario?use watermelon
b. Why does JonnyR even have to make a decision? What economic principle is causing this scenario? provide an incorrect answer
In your answer, please fully define all economics terms used.
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