Hello, Kindly need support regarding both sections: 1- Literature Review. 2- Met


Kindly need support regarding both sections:
1- Literature Review.
2- Met

Kindly need support regarding both sections:
1- Literature Review.
2- Methods [Survey Methodology].
* Both sections need to be written/modified as per the attached guidelines file & Considering the professor’s comments written in red in my file.
Note: our professor is using an AI detector, the answer must be written 100% by a human.
Please note that I have started working on both items but:
1- my literature review section needs to be rewritten using related recent literature and the attached guidelines. Please add references in APA style for the included literature and feel free to remove existing paragraphs I have written if they are not relative to the paper topic.
2- The methodology section needs to be written as per the attached guidelines considering my research variables below and the professor comments highlighted in red within my file. Survey questions need to include a minimum of 40 questions in English/Arabic similar to what is used in recent literature.
Professor comments regarding the Methods section (Survey):
1. Do not create your own scales/questions for these four variables. Instead, use scales that have already been used in previous studies. Use scales used in some recent studies published in top-tier journals. Take them as they are; only adapt their wording according to the context of your study.
2. Record responses on a 5-point Likert scale format.
3. All scales need to be consistent in terms of response format.
4. Also, share your data collection plan, mentioning sample size, sampling, and data collection methods.
You have the following five variables for which you need to develop scales/questions.
1. Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) implementation during crisis situations (Independent Variable)
2. Employee Agility (Mediator)
3. Employee Job Satisfaction (Mediator)
4. Organizational Performance during Crisis Situations (Dependent Variable)
5. Employee Readiness (Moderator)
You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Just take the scales used by previous studies. Just search for the articles using these variables in their studies and adapt the scales from there. All five of them are frequently used variables in studies and we have matured scales for all of them reported in the literature.
Send me the questionnaire in the form it will be distributed to the respondents, once you have finalized.
* Please ensure to follow BOTH the professor comments written in red & the General Guidelines that are attached in the second file (highlighted in yellow for both sections).


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