For part three you will need to do what ever you need to do. So if your interve


For part three you will need to do what ever you need to do.
So if your interve

For part three you will need to do what ever you need to do.
So if your intervention had been effective in part two you will submit the second A phase for part 3 (your return to baseline condition) and provide a description as to whether or not the data changed as expected (returned to the level of responding seen in the initial baseline data collection or if it remained stable. Regardless of what happens to the behavior during this reversal week, your final phase will be to resume the contingency during part 4.
However, if your initial intervention was not effective during part 2 (the B phase) then you will need to explain why you think it was not effective (i.e. the rate of behavior remained the same during the B phase as it had been during the initial Baseline) and during week three you will need to start a new or modified intervention (contingency) and your week 3 data will be the C phase. You will then re-evaluate if your C phase was effective to determine what you would need to do for Part 4 of your project.
Make sure you include a copy of your graph with all three weeks of data labeled appropriately.
( I have attached project 2 below for context and how the graph should look as well, please make it simple and follow the instructions!)


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