The second work will be approximately 9 pages (before the bibliography) – In you


The second work will be approximately 9 pages (before the bibliography)
– In you

The second work will be approximately 9 pages (before the bibliography)
– In your introduction (0.5 page maximum), you will indicate the theme and choose, in link
with this, two scientific articles: one from psychology (or a related discipline:
psychoanalysis, psychiatry, psychoeducation, etc.) AND someone from sociology (or a discipline
related: ethnology, anthropology, social work, etc.).
– In a first part of the development (around 4 pages), you will answer both
instructions i. and ii. below about psychology article.
– Your development will be broken down into two clearly identified parts:
I. In a first part (2.5 pages maximum), entitled “summary”, you
summarize the content of the article by returning to the following plans (without
must follow this “plan”: i. the question asked; ii. the methodology used;
iii. the concepts used; and iv. the main results.
ii. In a second part (minimum 1 page / 1.5 pages), entitled “discussion”, you
discuss the links of this article with the other discipline: does it contain
explicitly or not a sociological (or psychological) dimension? If yes, what
is this and is it enough? What would it take to prolong the discussion with the other
discipline ? What concepts could it be relevant to mobilize? This discussion
must be supported by concepts and some references.
– In a second part of the development (around 4 pages), you will answer both
instructions i. and ii. above about the sociology article.
– In your conclusion (0.5 page minimum), you will summarize the contributions of each of the
articles and formulate a research question that would allow you (as you can)
requested in PSO 3000) to produce, in the future, more in-depth bidisciplinary reflection
on the chosen theme.
Must be in a Word document.
Must have a bibliography using Chicago style citation.
Scientific articles should be different for the two disciplines when analyzing the discipline chosen by the other. – Minimum of 4 scientific articles (should be around 10 pages minimum since it must contain methodology). – Use preferably the provided documents, but can always search for more.


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