Service Encounter Project (100 Points) Objective To evaluate critical aspects o


Service Encounter Project (100 Points)
To evaluate critical aspects o

Service Encounter Project (100 Points)
To evaluate critical aspects of two distinct service encounters from your own
perspective as a customer and marketing scholar.
The purpose of this project is to analyze two service encounters in detail.
First, you will report on an organization that provided you with the worst
service of any organization you encountered this semester and, then, you
will report on an organization that is doing an excellent overall job of
providing customer service.
Introduction. Students should provide some background information
regarding the service encounters that they have selected to discuss. Your
introduction should be clear and interesting. [Page Limit: 1 page]
Discussion of Worst Service. You should talk about the organization that
provided you with the worst service. Based on the issues we have discussed
in class, diagnose what went wrong in the encounter. That is, what is the
real cause of the problem? Then, recommend 2 – 3 actions management
should take to improve service. Be specific in your recommendations (e.g.,
suggesting that employees “need more training” is not a particularly
enlightening or useful recommendation). To demonstrate your
understanding of course material, use concepts and strategies from the class
to support your discussion and suggestions. [Page Limit: 1-2 pages]
Discussion of Best Service. Talk about an organization that, based on the
service encounter you had with them this semester, is doing an excellent
overall job of addressing customer needs. The discussion should include 2 –
3 actions management has taken to deliver good service. That is, diagnose
what this firm is doing well. [Page Limit: 1-2 pages]
Discussion of Lessons Learned. Finally, you should conclude the
presentation with a discussion of what you learned from this experience. To
aid in your diagnosis, it may be helpful to spend additional time actually
observing the service process. You might also talk with the manager/owner
to get additional insights from his/her perspective. [Page Limit: 1 page]
All projects must be type written and include a cover page identifying the
title of the project and the author. The final report should be 5 – 7 pages,
single spaced (including the cover sheet) and be organized as described
above. A copy of the grading sheet is attached to this syllabus.


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