Read the research paper I have attached. Prepare a 10-minute presentation on the


Read the research paper I have attached.
Prepare a 10-minute presentation on the

Read the research paper I have attached.
Prepare a 10-minute presentation on the paper. Please include all figures and tables and discuss all aspects of the paper.
You may use additional sources for pictures and further information if necessary.
At the end of the presentation: One of the goals of our course is to learn how to read and evaluate scientific literature that uses radiogenic and stable isotopes. Each student will be responsible for presenting a paper, but everyone is expected to read and understand all papers. Your assignment is to:
Assign a peer-reviewed scientific paper to each student.
Give a presentation about the paper, evaluated based on AGU standards for student presentations.
Lead a discussion on the paper to ensure everyone in the room learns as much as possible about it.
Questions to address in your presentation and discussion:
What is the scientific motivation of the paper (background)?
What is the goal of the paper (what problem are they trying to solve)?
Why is this problem important?
What assumptions do they bring to this study?
What methods do they use?
What is clever about this paper?
What doesn’t work?
What are their conclusions?
What are the remaining questions to be answered?
What would you do to solve them
Please tell me what to say exactly on each slide because I am an international student and it is hard to talk fluently
the powerpoint below is my work and how i want it to look like. please do not use AI


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