Latchman′s article highlighted a significant problem in the medical field with w


Latchman′s article highlighted a significant problem in the medical field with w

Latchman′s article highlighted a significant problem in the medical field with whistleblowing.
For this essay, you will conduct research to understand healthcare rationing better. Please consider this essay providing background on examining why it is problematic and beneficial.
Here are some questions you can think about to help you deepen your understanding and explore this topic (these questions do not bind you. They’re just a starting point. Also, do not create one paragraph for each question; you will have a choppy and excessively long essay. These questions are to help with your brainstorming):
What is whistleblowing?
Why does it occur?
In what situations does it most occur?
Who does it mostly affect? (in both negative and positive ways)
Why is it problematic?
How does it affect the nursing profession?
To develop your essay, please use evidence from the Lathman article—that is, a quote. Each body paragraph should have roughly two quotes but do not quote excessively. Your discussion should clearly show how your evidence supports your thesis. Ensure you synthesize your sources throughout your essay and use evidence to support your argument.
Your grade for this essay will be based on the following elements of your paper:
Good quote incorporation and reading comprehension (i.e., you need to show that you understand the details of the quotations you select)
Quotation selection and analysis (ensure it’s clear how your evidence supports your thesis)
Thesis statement and topic sentences
Paragraph structure
The overall organization of your ideas
Good connections between ideas from the texts (ensure you’re synthesizing your sources in each body paragraph)
Sentence-level control
Formatting guidelines: 5 paragraphs (a minimum of 1/1/2-2 FULL pages of text, and I will not be reading beyond page 4), double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12 font, APA format (cover page, in-text citations
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