204: COLLECTIVE BARGANING CASE STUDYMonica Davies, Hudson Cole, and Elizabeth C


204: COLLECTIVE BARGANING CASE STUDYMonica Davies, Hudson Cole, and Elizabeth C

204: COLLECTIVE BARGANING CASE STUDYMonica Davies, Hudson Cole, and Elizabeth Cantu are RNs who work together on a pediatric unit in a
large urban hospital that is in the middle of a union organizing drive. The union drive was initiated by a
group of nurses from the hospital’s medical-surgical units who have voiced serious concerns about the
nurses’ working conditions; inability to provide safe, high-quality patient care; and failure to have
concerns adequately addressed by the hospital’s management team. Elizabeth, Monica, and Hudson are
having dinner together at a local restaurant to discuss their questions, concerns, and general feelings
about unions and collective bargaining. Although the three nurses are uncertain about how they would
vote should the union election be called tomorrow, Monica is leaning toward support for the union,
Elizabeth is favoring a vote against the union, and Hudson is undecided. Monica states that nurses at
their hospital will be more powerful as a group to negotiate for better working conditions, increased
wages, and improved benefits should they become unionized. Elizabeth expresses concern that the
union cannot adequately address some of their concerns about high-quality patient care, especially
related to how physicians treat nurses. Elizabeth is also concerned about nurses’ professional image
should they become unionized and have to strike. Hudson can appreciate the points made by Monica
and Elizabeth and says that they all need more information about unions before they make a firm
decision about whether to support the union. Monica, Elizabeth, and Hudson continue to discuss the
issues late into the evening and still have many questions.
1. How do nurses reconcile their concerns about the strike and its potential effect on nursing’s image as
a trusted profession?
2. What are some key questions the nurses should ask and get answered prior to making their decision
to support or oppose unionization?
3. Can the nurses be reassured that the union can address issues related to the professional practice
environment along with wages and benefits?
4. What resources are available to help the nurses learn more about unions and collective bargaining?


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