Write a 4-6 page essay double-spaced in simple terms on the topic that I have a


Write a 4-6 page essay double-spaced in simple terms on the topic that I have a

Write a 4-6 page essay double-spaced in simple terms on the topic that I have attached in the files and down below are some instructions for the essay. If you have any questions please let me know! Thank you.
please follow ALL directions to the letter
Remember that not every BIG GEMS is responsible for every health issueDon’t use metaphors (smoking it’s like an infection)
BIG GEMS LEAD to health issues. We’re not talking about what the health issues can lead to
Write academically.This means writing in a sophisticated manner.
Don’t use “I” statements or personal anecdotes in your paper.The only exception where you can use “I” statements is when you are making a recommendation. Stay away from conversational languageExamples of what not to say: “wanted to think about maybe going to therapy”, “basically”, “She found out she got knocked up”, “she feels some type of way”, “In other words.”
Instead say: “She decided to go to therapy”, “She learned she was pregnant”, “She felt hurt”.
Don’t editorialize. This means only state the facts. Not your opinion about the factsDon’t give your opinion about what or why something is the case, judge, or blame
Examples of what not to say: “She realized she made a huge mistake when she found out she was pregnant”, “She ruined her life by choosing drugs”.
Instead say: “She was upset when she found out she was pregnant”, “She started using drugs, and there were consequences that followed”
Paraphrase. There’s need to use a direct quote unless you don’t have any other way to say it.
Give a citation. If you don’t put citations, it means whatever you’re saying is just a guess or your opinion. Public Health is rooted in evidence. You need to provide evidence for what you’re saying.Ex of what not to do: “Parents are too lazy to make healthy food and would rather buy junk food instead”, Instead: “A study found that parents who work long or late hours are more likely to resort to a junk or fast food (Study Author, Year)”
When you give your recommendation, tie it into the peer-reviewed journal articles and be specificEx: It’s not enough to say to reduce childhood obesity, programs need to increase healthier diets and exercise
Instead: Based on Program X and Program Y, programs addressing childhood obesity should include teach students how to read nutrition labels (Cite), improving the quality of school lunches (Cite), and hosting educational workshops for parents (Cite).


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