Topics: For this paper, you will be choosing and listening to an episode from th


Topics: For this paper, you will be choosing and listening to an episode from th

Topics: For this paper, you will be choosing and listening to an episode from the archives of one of the following podcasts: The Jordan Harbinger Show, Freakonomics, Radiolab, Unladylike, or Hidden Brain (keep in mind that these can be found on most podcasting apps on your phones- feel free to use these apps instead of the above links if it’s easier to do so). Please be aware that I am not responsible for the content found within these podcasts. Be mindful that some of these episodes might contain triggers that I cannot anticipate, and as such, take care to ensure you’re prepared to listen to the episodes you select as you start the process. I’d suggest that you first assess the title and read any summary information to ensure that you’ll be comfortable with the content before listening. Also, for those of you who struggle with auditory learning, you might want to look for a transcript of the episode, which is frequently found in the episode’s description.
When you are listening to the episode, you should select one of the discussions presented within and use it as a springboard to develop an argument of your own. While you DO have to mention the podcast in the paper (possibly just in the introduction), you do not have to cover every angle discussed in the episode in your paper; think of the episode as more of an intellectual launching point.
Be very selective with the topic as many research paper topics can be too broad and can lead to chaos within a paper. Try to narrow down your topic to a smaller area of study. Also, you cannot make overly done claims (see the “Forbidden Claims” list below). Your paper should avoid the use of first-person, but it’s not forbidden if it’s reasonable to do so for the topic at hand (email me if you are thinking of using 1st person). It needs to include a thesis statement using the guidelines in the “Thesis Statements and the Hourglass Model” section, and it must use the inverted pyramid/hourglass structure.
Technical aspects: Your paper cannot exceed 7 pages but it must contain a minimum of 1,250 words. It must use size 12, Times New Roman font, and it needs to be double-spaced (no more, no less) with 1″ margins all around. You must include five sources, one being the podcast you’ve selected and two from Stony Brook’s databases (see the “MLA Components” section). The other two sources can be of your choosing. All sources used must be cited in accordance with MLA provisions (parenthetical citations as well as a Works Cited page). EVEN IF YOU PARAPHRASE OR BORROW IDEAS FROM SOMEONE ELSE’S WORK, IT MUST BE CITED. . In addition, presenting work generated by artificial intelligence as one’s own work is considered to be academically dishonest. For guidelines, see this website. You may also consult your MLA handbook or our syllabus.
Expectations for Draft: There is no formal draft for this paper. However, I will check your Google doc on 4/7 to see that the paper is being developed and to provide feedback.
Essay #3 final due date: Essay #3 will be due on 4/21 by 11:59pm. It must be submitted to TurnItIn on Brightspace, but it will primarily be submitted through your e-portfolio Google doc link. I must have permission to edit your document in order to grade it, so make sure to check your share functions before the due date.
Late papers or papers that are not submitted: Final papers submitted/shared late will lose one point per each day late. See the “Home” section for further information regarding late papers.
Grading: Your paper will be graded using the rubric in the “Home” section. Be aware that it will be considered plagiarism if someone other than myself makes any modifications to your document. Your essay will be graded using the history tracking function. In other words, your grade will reflect where the paper stood at the due date/time. Keep in mind that it is absolutely fine to work on the paper through Google docs after it is due (particularly if you intend to use the Optional Revision Policy). The comments, however, will be based on the status of the document when I sit down to look through it (because unfortunately, I am not a robot and am incapable of grading all papers at the exact time they are due; it will take me up to a week and a half to comment on and grade your papers).
Forbidden Claims List
You may not make the following claims for your Argumentative Research Paper. Other than potentially boring your reader (I’m not being mean; it’s just true), the number of sources out there for these overly done claims are overwhelming and are often lacking in credibility:
– Euthanasia should/should not be legalized
– Social media is beneficial/detrimental
– E-sports should/should not be recognized as a real sport
– Marijuana use should/should not be legalized
– Homework should/should not be assigned
– Helmets should/should not be mandatory
– The drinking age should/should not be changed
– Gay marriage should/should not be legalized
– Plastic surgery should/should not be socially acceptable
– Evolution should/should not be taught
– Sneakers are awesome
– Cell phones have a positive/negative impact
– Performance enhancing drugs should/should not be legalized
– Immigration should/should not be restricted
– Commercials are/are not effective
– Alternative forms of energy should/should not be invested in
– College athletes should be paid
– The One-Child Policy should/should not be illegal
– People should/should not be allowed to create designer babies
– The death penalty should be upheld/abolished
The sample I gave is for reference only, you can’t use similar content to complete the homework, choose one of those websites to listen to, and then start the homework. All the homework requirements are written on the top, please complete the homework according to the requirements, there is no other special requirements, if there is anything I need to provide, please send me a message.


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