The evaluation section of your paper should not merely consist in saying you agr


The evaluation section of your paper should not merely consist in saying you agr

The evaluation section of your paper should not merely consist in saying you agree or disagree with an argument or position, nor should it consist merely in repeating things the author says. You should offer some independent reasons in favor or against the argument or position you are discussing—what reasons can you offer to think the conclusion is true or false. Your paper should be approximately 1200 words (roughly 4 pages) in length. Please use 12 point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins, and double space your paper. Papers must be submitted through the Turnitin link on Canvas under Assignments. Apple users should note that Canvas does not support pages format. You need to convert your paper to a pdf before submitting it. The standard late policy from the syllabus will apply, one half a letter grade penalty per calendar day, no papers accepted more than 4 days late. Some dos and don’ts: When discussing ideas that are not your own make sure you cite a source for them, either the reading or my lectures in this case. Failure to cite is a violation of the Academic Honor policy and will result in a reduced grade. Only write about one prompt! Follow the prompt exactly as it is written! See the writing guidelines on canvas for general writing advice. Grading Rubric for Papers Excellent (90 – 100): An excellent essay (a) answers the question(s) asked in the prompt, (b) does so in a very clear, concise, and sufficiently thorough manner, (c) provides an accurate interpretation of the person or people being discussed, (d) has good citation practices, and (e) provides support for why the writer assesses a view a certain way (if such assessment is asked for). Good (80 – 89): A good essay (a) answers the question(s) asked in the prompt, (b) does so in a relatively clear, concise, and thorough manner, (c) provides a relatively accurate interpretation of the person or people being discussed, (d) has adequate citation practices, and (e) provides support for why the writer assesses a view a certain way (if such assessment is asked for). Average (70 – 79): An average essay answers the question, but is lacking in overall clarity, precision or thoroughness. Also, the essay may miss obvious points, give inadequate interpretations of authors, or fail to support opinions with evidence. Average essays may have grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, which may affect the overall clarity and precision of the essay. May also fail to meet the word requirement. Needs Improvement (60 – 69): An essay that needs improvement may answer some parts of the question, but fails to address the question fully. It is also lacking in overall clarity. It may contain many grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. It may also fail to meet the word requirement. Unacceptable (0 – 59) An unacceptable essay fails to answer the assigned question. It may also fail to meet the word requirement. Any violation of the FSU Honor Policy will result in a failing grade for the


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