(published in academic journals) asks writers to create research questions and a


(published in academic journals) asks writers to create research questions and a

(published in academic journals) asks writers to create research questions and answer them. Writers should learn something from this research instead of stating what they think they know.
Requirements Must make an argument about a topic related reading, writing, technology and/or communication in your desired major or career Must be at least 1500 words (first draft must be 800 words) Must include at least 3 scholarly sources and 6 sources total  Ways to approach the assignment Continuing from your summary What was the topic of the article you used for your summary? Write research questions about this topic and use academic, non-academic research, and observations to answer your research questions. Choosing a new topic. Ask research questions related to reading, writing, communication, learning, and/or literacy in your desired major or career. What is the Composing Process? Writers will create research questions and answer them. Writers will discover more about their topic with their research. Writers will choose appropriate organizational techniques and write a thesis statement that does not follow the five-paragraph essay format. A Essays:  *Unique, detailed, and insightful response to the topic   *Draw a living picture   *Thesis idea evident, strong, convincing, and supported by the entire essay   *Thoroughly consider the impact your experience will have on others, what the reader may find interesting, what the reader may learn, how they will react or respond, or how they may relate   *Organization that is clearly constructed and planned   *MLA or APA format followed closely   *Creative title   *Analysis of argumentative strategies strongly apparent in writing   *Strong command of grammar, punctuation, and usage   *Library sources, database articles, and other research are used in an excellent manner   *A wide variety of critical thinking strategies are used to dissect and incorporate sources into own writing  


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