Please choose your case of judicial policymaking here and post both installment


Please choose your case of judicial policymaking here and post both installment

Please choose your case of judicial policymaking here and post both installments of your paper to the thread where you chose your paper.
Discussion Topic
To indicate that you have chosen a particular case, reply to the thread listing that case on the discussion board forum. (Do not start your own thread for cases; look for the case on the discussion board listing and then choose the case by replying to the thread for that case.) Make sure that you click on “expand all” in the upper right of your screen right before you select a case. This will let you see which cases have already been chosen by others.
Very important: One case per person and one person per case until all 30 cases have one person who has chosen them, after which there can be two people (but no more than two people) per case. Everyone should research and write about their case on their own, even where two people are working on the same case.
Once you have chosen a case, please do not try to change your case or choose additional cases.
People not following these instructions will have their names removed from the case(s) they have selected and will have to select a case from the remaining cases.
Make sure that you know which case you want to research before choosing a case. You can find US Supreme Court cases at or and other federal cases at Findlaw Cases and Codes:
Please post both installments of your paper to the same thread where you chose your paper.
P.C. White Truck Lines, Inc. v. United States


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