Part 1: Research Strategy Analysis and Sampling Assignment Locate a primary rese


Part 1: Research Strategy Analysis and Sampling Assignment
Locate a primary rese

Part 1: Research Strategy Analysis and Sampling Assignment
Locate a primary research article in an academic journal where the researcher or researchers used a quantitative research strategy, a survey instrument, and inferential statistics. Then, critique the following elements:
purpose of the study;
population of interest;
rationale for using a quantitative research strategy versus a qualitative research strategy;
research design,
analytical approach,
data analysis procedures used,
data collection method,
sampling design,
findings, and
areas in the study that were well executed and areas that require improvement.
Part 2: Self-Completion Questionnaire
For Part 2 of this assignment, you will create a self-completion questionnaire for the quantitative research project of interest you described in the Unit I discussion board (unit I discussion below). Address the prompts below.
State the problem to be solved.
Formulate four survey questions, using a Likert scale of your choosing, that would help solve your problem when answered. The survey questions should identify the variables to be measured (e.g., job satisfaction, motivation, productivity, morale, managerial competence, organizational commitment, job stress, etc.)
Include relevant demographic questions.
Indicate the level of scale measurement used for each question, from among the four levels of scale measurement.
Identify the population of interest.
Identify the sampling frame.
Identify the sampling design.
Describe the method of survey distribution.
Your assignment should consist of a minimum of four pages in length, not counting the required references page. Please thoroughly address all areas listed above, and include at least two credible sources. Responses should be written in a narrative format rather than being formatted as short bullet points. Please use APA compliant headings and sub-headings that align with the individual assignment requirements. Adhere to APA Style, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used.
Discussion I discussion post below with topic
Teenagers who spend a lot of time on social media may have mental health issue. The amount of research on this subject is increasing; however, more quantitative studies with concrete data and statistical analysis are required. It is crucial to identify the factors which worsen the problem (Schønning et al., 2020). This study will inform policies governing teenage use of social media, which may help mitigate the effects on mental health. Additionally, knowledge obtained may direct the creation of focused interventions and support networks, which enhance the general well-being of vulnerable teenagers.
As a result, this methodology is the best for this study due to its consistency, accuracy, generalizability, and statistical analysis advantages. Measuring the use of social media and mental well-being results using quantitative methodologies allows for a reliable assessment of their connections. Large sample numbers improve generalizability across diverse populations and offer relevant perspectives. Statistical analysis provides proof by spotting trends and connections. In addition, quantitative research designs are systematic and consistent, which ensures development and enhances the study’s reputation (Schønning et al., 2020).
Schønning, V., Hjetland, G. J., Aarø, L. E., & Skogen, J. C. (2020). Social media use and mental health and well-being among adolescents–a scoping review. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 542107.


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