MSW 8771 Policy Advocacy Project Due Apr 22 by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a f


MSW 8771 Policy Advocacy Project
Due Apr 22 by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a f

MSW 8771 Policy Advocacy Project
Due Apr 22 by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a file upload Available Jan 8 at 12am – Apr 22 at 11:59pm
Benchmark Assignment: Policy Advocacy Project (Required – 100 points/30%)
Link to Sample Paper from 2023 – Sample Policy Advocacy Project.pdfDownload Sample Policy Advocacy Project.pdf
Link to Explanatory PowerPoint (download and play in PowerPoint): Advocacy assignment guidance post.ppsxDownload Advocacy assignment guidance post.ppsx
An individual paper is required for this assignment. Students will choose a social problem or policy where changes are necessary to improve the lives of older adult populations. Students can choose the same topic as their policy analysis or can choose a different social problem all together. The assignment must include a policy advocacy plan to change a current policy or to develop a new policy to address the social problem. Students must consider social work’s position (values/ethics) on the policy issue. Your goal is to have a project that can be used to advocate to policy makers and other community partners to bring about change. You may use table and figures. As with all assignments, you should use reliable professional sources for references.
Introduction and Overview. Identify the key social policy/problem that is the focus of the paper. This may come out of your field agency’s mission or from a broader social problem. Identify a community agency that addresses this problem (congruent with the agency’s mission) that could participate in the advocacy plan. What is your understanding of the issue? In this section of the paper, document the issue clearly and provide reliable and current evidence as to the prevalence/incidence of the problem and/or the problem/policy’s history. You may choose to use tables or figures to enhance your paper. Clearly articulate the policy/problem and justify why it is a problem for the impacted population.
What solution(s) are you advocating for? Why? What do you suspect will change for the population that is impacted by the policy/problem, given the solution that you propose? How might the change impact social work practice? Explain how your recommendations correspond with social work values, policy positions and ethics. You may want to refer to Social Work Speaks for information on the policy positions taken by the National Association of Social Work to assist in completing this section of your paper.
Develop and explain an advocacy map of your planned advocacy effort.
Clearly identify community partners and why each is included. Who is/are your advocacy target(s) (different from community partners)? How will you attempt to negotiate or persuade your target(s)?
What policy strategies or tactics will you implement to bring about change?
Provide a timeline for your advocacy project.
How will you evaluate your advocacy effort?
How would you monitor the policy/problem once the advocacy effort is over?
Address how the assignment helps you develop the required competencies for this course.
What have you learned about yourself and advocacy from this project?
Grading: The primary criterion for grading is the quality of your analysis and the conclusions that you draw. The other criteria include clarity of the paper, use of references and citations, and the format of your paper. Please refer to the grading section on the syllabus for more information about grading.
SW8770 8771 8772 8773 Policy Advocacy Project Winter 2023 CORRECTED
SW8770 8771 8772 8773 Policy Advocacy Project Winter 2023 CORRECTED
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentification and explanation of key social problem or policy
A. Identification and explanation of key social problem or policy (Competency #5: Engage in Policy Practice)
10 to ˃9.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
The social policy or problem is defined (e.g., history, prevalence, incidence, contributing factors, effects of the problem, and/or high-profile case example) and the current political and contextual factors impacting public perception of the problem is described in detail.
9 to ˃8.3 pts
Meets Expectations
The social policy or problem is defined and documented with some evidence; including prevalence, incidence, and high-profile cases or other examples that demonstrate the impact of problem/policy on affected population(s).
8.3 to ˃7.7 pts
Partially Meets Expectations
The social policy or problem is defined but documentation omits information needed to persuasively demonstrate the impact of the problem or policy.
7.7 to ˃0.1 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
The social policy or problem is defined too broadly or without supporting information to persuade stakeholders or targets.
0.1 to ˃0 pts
Expected But Not Observed
Expected But Not Observed
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDesсrіption of policy solution
B. Desсrіption of Policy Solution (Competency #5: Engage in Policy Practice
20 to ˃18.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
The desсrіption of the policy solution clearly connects to changes expected for the population or problem and is document using 6 or more peer-reviewed or government sources. The paper describes the impact on social work practice and the problem with reference to social work values, policy positions and ethics, including position papers created by NASW or other social work organizations. Paper tailors the solution to the current social climate and discuss why this solution is feasible at this time.
18 to ˃16.6 pts
Meets Expectations
The desсrіption of the policy solution clearly connects to changes expected for the population or problem and is documented using a 5-3 peer-reviewed or government resources. The paper describes impact on social work practice and the problem with reference to social work values, policy positions and ethics, including position papers created by NASW or other social work organizations.
16.6 to ˃15.4 pts
Partially Meets Expectations
The connection between the desсrіption of the policy solution and the changes expected for the population is apparent. Documentation comprises fewer than three peer-reviewed or government resources. The desсrіption of the impact on social work practice and problems references social work values and policy positions with less depth and detail.
15.4 to ˃0.1 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
The connections between desсrіption of the policy solution and expected changes is not clear or well-documented or it is inaccurate. Reference to social work values and policy positions are limited or non-existent.
0.1 to ˃0 pts
Expected But Not Observed
Expected But Not Observed
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDesсrіption of an advocacy plan
C. Desсrіption of an advocacy plan (Competency #5: Engage in Policy Practice)
55 to ˃49.5 pts
Exceeds Expectations
The advocacy map clearly identifies and distinguishes stakeholders and targets for the advocacy effort. Strategies for negotiating and persuasion are explicated and justified with data and evidence, including at 10-7 peer-reviewed or government resources. To exceed expectations, negotiating and persuasion are tailored to the history/credentials/values of the target.
49.5 to ˃45.7 pts
Meets Expectations
The advocacy map clearly identifies and distinguishes stakeholders and targets for the advocacy effort. Strategies for negotiating and persuasion are explicated and justified with data and evidence, including at least 6-4 peer-reviewed or government resources.
45.7 to ˃42.3 pts
Partially Meets Expectations
The advocacy map identifies the stakeholders and targets of the advocacy effort. Strategies for negotiation and persuasion are presented but documentation is less extensive or strategies are less clear.
42.3 to ˃0.1 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
The advocacy map lists but does not distinguish stakeholders and targets. Strategies omit key information and documentation is limited.
0.1 to ˃0 pts
Expected But Not Observed
Expected But Not Observed
55 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConnection to competencies for the course
D. Connection to competencies for the course
5 to ˃4.5 pts
Exceeds Expectations
The conclusion describes how the course helped the student develop course competencies with 3 or more specific examples.
4.5 to ˃4.2 pts
Meets Expectations
The conclusion describes how the course helped the student developed course competencies with 1-2 specific examples
4.2 to ˃3.9 pts
Partially Meets Expectations
The conclusion describes how the course helped the student developed course competencies with general examples.
3.9 to ˃0.1 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Desсrіption of connection to development of competencies is vague or missing.
0.1 to ˃0 pts
Expected But Not Observed
Expected But Not Observed
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Quality
E. Writing Quality
*Note: When inputting grade for the benchmark assignment for assessment purposes, this portion is not included
10 to ˃9.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Writing flowed well from beginning to end, no APA, grammatical, spelling or mechanical errors. Paper included 7 or more relevant sources.
9 to ˃8.3 pts
Meets Expectations
Writing flowed well from beginning to end, followed APA format throughout, had 3 or fewer grammar, spelling or mechanical errors in summary, and included 3-5 relevant sources.
8.3 to ˃7.7 pts
Partially Meets Expectations
Writing quality included some awkward or confusing wording, or contained errors, or did not follow APA format throughout. Sources used were not clearly connected to the analysis.
7.7 to ˃0.1 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Writing did not flow in a rational way or contained numerous errors or improper APA format throughout. Sources used did not enhance the analysis or did not meet the requirements of the assignment.
0.1 to ˃0 pts
Expected But Not Observed
Expected But Not Observed
10 pts
Total Points: 100
Topic for this assignment is: Social Work Licensure Modernization ACT in Michigan


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