First, choose a film from the provided list, each selected for its complex and i


First, choose a film from the provided list, each selected for its complex and i

First, choose a film from the provided list, each selected for its complex and insightful documentation of the lived experience of people of African ancestry. Watch the film thoroughly and focus on the characters, setting, and themes. Then, examine the historical and cultural context of the film, considering the time period, location, and relevant historical events or social movements. Your task is to submit a two to three-page analysis, a detailed discussion on how the film portrays the lived experience of people of African ancestry, and your reflection on how the film influenced your understanding of these experiences. This analysis, due by the specified deadline, should be well-organized and articulated, offering both academic and personal insights into the diverse and rich tapestry of African ancestry experiences as depicted in cinema.
Please choose one film to watch from the list below (on netflix) and write an analytical essay.
Passing Blood Brothers: Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali Fences Mudbound The Tuskegee Airmen
Rustin Self Made Marshall Race The Best of Enemies Stamped from the Beginning In Our Mother′s Gardens Who We Are Colin in Black & White 13th


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