Elements of this part of theproject should include a detailed description of: o


Elements of this part of theproject should include a detailed description of:

Elements of this part of theproject should include a detailed description of:
o Produce Research Hypotheses: You will need to produce a set of hypotheses that
relate to your research questions.
– A hypothesis is a prediction about the relationship between two or more variables.
In particular, a hypothesis states your predictions about what your research will
find. It is a tentative answer to your research question that has not yet been tested.
– For example, you predict that there is a gender difference in online shopping
attitudes. Then you can further break down gender and online shopping attitude into
components such as gender à male vs. female, and attitudes à favorable vs.
– Now, drawing on literature review, you can formally hypothesize that:
§ Relative to women, men exhibit more favorable attitudes toward online
– Additionally, for each of your hypotheses, you should provide a rationale for it (that
is, why you are predicting a certain kind of relationship between X and Y).
o Research Design: In this section, you need to choose one (or multiple) research
method (s)—such as survey, focus group, individual interviews, etc.—to help you test
your hypotheses and answer your research questions. In particular, you will:
– Describe your method(s) of data collection in the main body of the proposal.
– In addition, include a full version of your research instruments in the appendix,
such as:
§ If you choose the survey method, then include a full version of survey
questions in the appendix,
§ If you choose the focus group method, then include a full version of the
discussion guide in the appendix.
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