America’s Action Report I AM SHOWING YOU PART 1 to get an idea of what the assig


America’s Action Report
I AM SHOWING YOU PART 1 to get an idea of what the assig

America’s Action Report
I AM SHOWING YOU PART 1 to get an idea of what the assignment is like, but PART 2 is the most important part of the assignment and that is the part you are going to work on. it is due on April 10th at 11:30 am. I have linked 2 files. the first one is the document of the America’s Action Reports with the instructions and the second file is how the professor is going to grade our paper so make sure you look over that as well. I am doing immigration and to be more specific it is the pathway to citizenship but I am willing to switch my sub topic if there is an easier and better one that you want to do America is going through unprecedented changes in nearly every sector of society. Many of the changes
have far-reaching consequences. General topic areas are Energy/Environment; Immigration; Healthcare;
Foreign Policy; Economy; National Debt/Spending.
Part I: Discourse: In this report; in first person; each student can review the general impacts resulting in
important challenges facing America today. Strive for solution-driven ideas as you consider your perspectives
in these changing times. Be yourself. Assume a position of arbitration, negotiation, bargaining and
compromise for desired outcomes. You don’t have to become an expert in your topic area; just an
inquisitor, reporter or mediator. Use reason and sensibilities as you deliberate. Aim to offer concise,
informed assessment of research. Proportion and length of each Part is at your discretion.
Describe why this topic matters to you and how you believe it may impact your fellow Americans.
Once you describe and explain concerns and observations in your own words (first person) about your
policy of choice, then consider the ideological differences (public policy implies government action .i.e.
court rulings; laws or proposed legislation).
Please be sure that you have a clear understanding of ideological beliefs between conservative and liberals
in America (see your Bardes textbook). Then, you are better prepared to offer concentratedd insights,
perspectives and analysis.
Many sources for topic suggestions and research support are available on Cougar Courses by clicking on
“Modules”. Some sources to consider are “Think Tanks” listed below.
Heritage Foundation: and/or Hoover Institution:
Rand Corporation:
Center for American Progress: and/or Brookings Institute:
To the best of your ability, offer your findings analyzing the differences in the debate between political
ideologies i.e. liberal or Democrat versus conservative or Republican in your reporting. Focus on
conservative versus liberal viewpoints.
After understanding and reporting on the issues and ideological perspectives; then part of your delivery
will focus on the “public discourse” along with your own reflections, ideas, perspectives, insights and
thoughtful deliberation on possible resolutions or changes (opinions welcome but not required). Offer
factual and supportive evidence based on findings in the report that support and reflect your suggestions
and attitudes about the issues. Part II: Legislative Analysis: The “action” portion of this assignment requires that you find a piece of
Legislation that has been introduced or passed into law in Congress aligned (Court Ruling acceptable policy
action) with your chosen topic area. You are welcome to refer to more than one court ruling and/or
Congressional bill to choose a bill, go to the Library of Congress Website: Click at the top of the page for
the 117th Congress or the 118th Congress. Go to:…
Find your bill and report on each of the following aspects of the Legislation. Go to search by
“word/phrase” or “Bill number”. Enter your information and click “search”. Once you locate the Bill, click
on the bill number e.g. H.R. 421 and include the following in your reporting:
1) Bill Number
2) Bill Title
3) Date it was introduced
4) Sponsor(s) and State
5) A brief summary of the Legislation (in your own words)
6) How does this bill relate to your chosen topic?
7) Your critical analysis of the Legislation
Formatting Requirements:
Paper is to be three
(3) pages, typed, double
spaced, with one inch
margins. Broken down
into the two (2) parts.
A minimum of four (4)
in-text citations and at
least two (2) sources
(besides the Library of
Congress) are
required. Too many
lengthy quotes can
result in point
Formatting will follow
the Modern Language
Association (MLA).
Include your name, title
of assignment, and
course number
Please be sure all
expression exhibits
decorum, scholarly,
academic qualities and
MLA Works Cited page
must be included as one
(1) document in the
submission. Works
Cited is a separate page
from the report.


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