Your assignment will be to report the findings of the survey, and more particula


Your assignment will be to report the findings of the survey, and more particula

Your assignment will be to report the findings of the survey, and more particularly to test the hypotheses (see above) using this data set. Briefly report the findings. Instructions:
– Briefly report the consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) of measurement of variables Support for populist ideology, Isolation and Trust in the municipality of Rotterdam using the items in the questionnaire, and, if possible, construct scale variables using the items (Supportforpopulistideology_SCALE, Isolation_SCALE, Trustinthe municipalityofRotterdam_SCALE)
– Report the descriptives in a single table (see Table 1, add relevant descriptives and statistics for the cells with red borders, ignore grey cells as they are irrelevant or redundant)
– Check the model assumptions for multiple linear regression and if possible, use multiple linear regression to test the two hypotheses. Use Table 2 to report the results of the regression analysis.
– Report (put in wording, not just in numbers) what statements can be formulated with respect to the hypothesis testing.


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