THE COUNTRY IS GHANA Organization & Guidelines Create a 10 – 15 minute presentat


THE COUNTRY IS GHANA Organization & Guidelines Create a 10 – 15 minute presentat

THE COUNTRY IS GHANA Organization & Guidelines Create a 10 – 15 minute presentation on your research topic to share with your peers. Organize the presentation with a purposeful design. Title Page: The first slide of your presentation should include the title to reference your topic, and include your name, semester, and year. Each slide thereafter should have a title to orient the audience. The final slide should in some way inform the audience that the presentation is concluded. To avoid a text-heavy presentation, use a variety of rhetorical and digital strategies such as photos, text, and embedding a short YouTube video or including links to sites with more detailed. Number of Slides: 15-25 Narrate: Three to five minutes of your presentation should be you, your voice narrating the presentation, informing the audience about the topic. This means you will need to include a short audio recording (3-5 minutes) of your voice in the presentation. Do not simply read the presentation to us. Narrate, tell us the story. Note. It is a good idea to write down and practice what you want to say before you record your voice. This will help with clarity and timing. Do not simply read the presentation to us. Narrate, tell us the story. Reference your sources. MLA manusсrіpt format does not translate well to other mediums, so it is not a requirement. However, follow good academic practice and identify your sources Presentation B ​​Topic: A Country or Region that Interests You Goal: Create a presentation that explains how the country or region you chose has been affected by its history and geography. Directions 1. Find background information on the country or region. What is it like today? 2. Find out about the geography of the country or region. How does its geography affect its current situation? Find out where it is located, what its climate is like, what its main resources are, and so on. 3. Find out about the history of the country or region. What are three key events that have shaped the country’s current situation?


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