Note that the literary analysis paper you will write for this module requires yo


Note that the literary analysis paper you will write for this module requires yo

Note that the literary analysis paper you will write for this module requires you to use not only the story, but an additional four resources that support your assertions or points about the theme of ″memories.″ Attached is a document that contains two articles that have been evaluated and determined to be trustworthy sources. You are welcome to use these two sources in your paper (meaning you would only be responsible for researching and evaluating an additional two resources on your own). The document has the full text of one of the resources. There is a link at the bottom of the document that will take you to the second source. Literary Analysis Paper Guidelines
For this paper, learners will be asked to:
1. Analyze a work of literature
2. Work with a critical article about literature
3. Write about literature
4. Use MLA formatting and citation style
Read the provided sections related to these topics:
MLA Format and Style
At some point, you may need to include quotes in your composition. This handout offers excellent advice regarding the incorporation of Quotations.
General Instructions:
You will read the assigned short story and make notes of the different literary elements present. After you have completed the reading, you will be tasked with planning, organizing, and researching to find at least four secondary sources to use in their paper. Students will find that some databases will provided more direct useful sources for consideration. Databases such as the Arts and Humanities Database, Proquest Central, Gale Literary Sources, or Gale Literature Resource Center will prove most helpful when finding resources specifically aligned with literature or literary exploration.
Detailed Guidelines:
It is critical that you examine and learn how to structure an MLA style essay. Notice how the texts discuss formatting, style, documentation, and structure. Soon, you will see how different writing in the humanities is from other disciplinary styles.
In order to write the literary analysis, first read through the primary source. Break down that story and determine the craft of the author – how are specific literary elements such as character, setting, language, symbol, and others used to relay the theme to the audience? There should not be a lot of summary in the paper. Some summary will be acceptable and necessary, but this should be used sparingly and to introduce parts of the analysis. Your paper should be mostly analysis. You will establish the story, author, literary elements, and theme in the thesis statement. Your body paragraphs should identify the various uses of the literary elements and explain how they work to express the theme. Avoid using the analysis of other people in your paper – you can use their words for support, but your ideas and connections should be your own. Avoid using Bradbury′s biographical information in your essay.
Use the following prompt to focus your essay. This prompt asks you to consider the global elements of the story and focus your research on them to help you develop your main points:
Prompt #1: Bradbury uses the African veldt as a primary setting in his story. Analyze how this setting contributes to the mood of the story. In your research, examine the terrain, flora, fauna, and climate that exist in this area and point to scenes in the short story that Bradbury uses these elements to build suspense and terror in the reader.
Students should use quotes and paraphrases from the story in addtion to four secondary sources. These secondary sources should be credible, so going to Google and finding websites will not serve to build your ethos. Use the databases or the materials provided in Blackboard for your secondary sources. All quotes, paraphrases, and summaries from your resources (including the story) must be credited in proper MLA format, and all sources must be cited in proper MLA format on a Works Cited page. Writing Style and Literary Conventions:
The first time an author is named, give the author′s full name. After that, refer to the author by last name only.
Events from the work of literature should be discussed in the present tense. Remember that your audience is myself. You will not need to define literary terms for me and you should use a formal tone in your writing. This means avoiding contractions and being concise in all wording. Be direct and avoid overly pompous language. Adhere to active voice in your writing. The use of I and other personal pronouns that include the writer is acceptable. Writers should never address the audience with you. Avoid providing your opinion with statements like I think, I feel, I believe, in my opinion, and I know that it is true. Avoid using cliches in your writing as well.
Formatting and Documentation:
Writing done in the Humanities discipline requires that formal papers be written in MLA format. Please see the Purdue OWL′s website for MLA formatting guidelines. All papers should have the following MLA elements included:
Students should type their papers in Microsoft Word using a 1″ margin on all sides (this is the default).
Page numbers should be inserted into the header (use the Insert menu and choose the option for page numbers) on the right hand side.
Page numbers should be preceded by the student′s last name and in the same font as the body of the paper.
Four-line headers are required and should be on the first page only. Title should be centered and not formatted with bold, underline or italics or a different font from the body of the paper.
All text should be in Times New Roman 12 point font.
In-text citations should be in (Author, page #) format and appear whenever researched resources are used. Works cited page should be the last page separate from the essay and titled Works Cited with no additional formatting (bold, italics, underline, or quotation marks).
In addition to the essay, students should also work to create a podcast episode that discusses their analysis. This podcast episode does not need to be long (10-15 minutes) and it should not be a reading of the essay. Instead, use it as an opportunity to talk about what you found interesting in the story, what you found surprising or were let down by in the story, or what you wish had happened differently. You can also talk about your own connection to the theme through the story. See the Podcasting 101 document attached here for ways to get started with your podcast episode. This includes recording platforms and other helpful tips to mold your episode into a proper and professional podcast.
Once you record your podcast, download and attach the file to this link by the due date and time.


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