Instructions: The book The Rocket Scientists’ Guide to Money and the Economy is


The book The Rocket Scientists’ Guide to Money and the Economy is

The book The Rocket Scientists’ Guide to Money and the Economy is a sweeping tutorial on money, the economy, debt, exchange, and a number of other issues (like environmental degradation, inequality, austerity programs, etc.). The short animation Money Moksha is a broad overview of the content in Rocket Scientists′ Guide to Money and the Economy. For this assignment you are to pick one topic that is discussed in the book and/or video and expand on that topic in a short research essay. Your essay should make use of a combination of Internet resources, newspaper articles (as appropriate), and scholarly books and journal articles. If you need help finding scholarly articles on your topic of interest, please contact the Athabasca University library. Be sure to demonstrate you have read both the book and watched the video.
Suggested Topics
You can pick any topic you want as long as it is marginally related to content in The Rocket Scientists’ Guide to Money and the Economy. If you are having trouble choosing, here are few suggestions:
Addiction to money as pathology
The environmental costs of strategies used to increase accumulation (i.e. product differentiation, planned obsolescence, marketing, etc.)
The environmental cost of fast fashion
The human cost of fast fashion (Bangladeshi workers)
Taylorization of the labour force (Frederick Winslow Taylor and Scientific Management)
World hunger: Progress, directions, and its relation to accumulation
The stock market as a method for accumulating labour
The causes of the French Revolution / The causes of the crises in Syria / The outcome of austerity measures. Debt crises in Greece (or any other country)
Canadian debt and Canadian debt trends
The historical emergence of the police
The political function of the police (i.e., maintaining regimes of accumulation)
Food banks, history, purpose
The health costs of poverty and poor nutrition
Perception sanitation
The ideology of the western media
Indoctrination (examples, purpose)
World debt / World financial crises
World political crises
World economic crises
World ecological crises
George Orwell’s 1984 (review, analysis, report)
Debt jubilee: What is it? How it would solve the crises?
The necessity of better education
Consciousness / values / mystical experience
The spirituality of scientists
The spirituality of revolution
Abraham Maslow / Peak experiences
Mystical experience and political transformation
The re-enchantment of science
To complete this essay, you will need to track down several external sources. Wikipedia, magazine articles, and web pages are okay, but you must supplement those with at least two academic articles. Don’t forget to cite your sources. You can use whatever citation style you like (the Study Guide for this course is in APA), but whichever style you use make sure it is consistent throughout your assignments. If in doubt, check with you tutor on your topic of choice and confirm with him or her the resources that you are planning to use.


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