Before submitting the final draft of your Argumentative Research Paper, read the


Before submitting the final draft of your Argumentative Research Paper, read the

Before submitting the final draft of your Argumentative Research Paper, read the following:
Be sure to thoroughly read the posted directions for this paper.
The paper MUST be 2 – 3 pages (no fewer than 500 words).
Your topic must be the same as the one that you selected.
Students must choose a clear position on the issue and present a sound argument to support their stance.
The thesis statement/claim must include 3 reasons to support your claim, and be the last sentence of your introductory paragraph.
The supporting paragraphs must include topic sentences and research evidence (i.e. facts, statistics, expert opinions, etc.) to support the claim.
The body of the paper must have a counterargument paragraph with two opposing views with refutations for each opposing view.
Support your claim with at least 5 credible sources from the LIRN databases. Do NOT use Wikipedia as a source.
All sources of information must be cited in APA in-text and a separate reference page should be included
Please do not write a summary of your sources.
Do not use first-person pronouns (i.e. I, we, our, my, etc.).
Make sure to follow the APA style guidelines.


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