10 – 15 minute presentation will allow students the opportunity to structure an


10 – 15 minute presentation will allow students the opportunity to structure an

10 – 15 minute presentation will allow students the opportunity to structure and facilitate discussions. Please rehears your presentations prior to the actual day you present to the class to ensure the presentation takes between 10-15 minutes. The presentation should not replicate the information in the textbook, but rather should provide clear evidence that the material on the particular topic was researched (i.e. discussion of information obtained from at least 4 journal articles and/or books). In addition, using information obtained from the internet and reading it as your presentation is unacceptable. If you miss your scheduled presentation without a documented excuse (i.e. doctor’s note) ten points will be deducted from your grade per week you are late. Your grade on the presentation will be based on the following criteria: Evidence during presentation that the topic was well researched (ideally, the references should be from publications within the last 5 years); presentation is well organized; engaging your classmates. With regard to engaging your classmates please speak clearly and at a good pace, and limit the use of fillers, including um, uh, stuff, stuff like that, and you know.
The topic is B: LSD and other hallucinogens
Note: Do not discuss alcohol abuse and dependence, and sedatives


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