1. What are the major differences between communications practices in an Agi


1. What are the major differences between communications practices in an Agi

1. What are the major differences between communications practices in an Agile project and a conventional, non-Agile project? Why are communications so important in an Agile project?
2. What is an information radiator? What are the advantages of online tools for managing communications in an Agile project?
3. What are some of the challenges associated with distributed and/or offshore teams, and how
would you go about resolving them?
Assignment Requirements:
We have five assignments for our course which is worth 60 points each and grading will be done using the Assignment Rubric provided with the assignment in Canvas.  Properly formatted APA citations are expected for all content acquired from other sources. Each submission will be automatically submitted for a plagiarism review through Turnitin.
The text      portion of the paper should be 2 – 3 double spaced pages and it should be      submitted as an MS Word file (.doc or .docx).
Title page and      reference page should be utilized in the paper.
Make sure to      use headings to separate the contents of your paper.


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