View the video Death before beginning this homework. Then go to this Compare Art


View the video Death before beginning this homework. Then go to this Compare Art

View the video Death before beginning this homework. Then go to this Compare Art page on the video website. Read the information carefully. You can click on the images and bring up more information You may also use your text or other resources to support your answers. Here is the link to this week’s theme on the website. Now answer the questions listed below. Reply in fully developed, thoughtful sentences, at least three sentences per question.
1. Both Posada and Filomeno present their skeletons with a degree of playfulness.
To what extent are their goals in using playfulness the same or different?
2. Think about the materials or media used to create each work of art.
How does the difference in media change the significance of each piece?
Video link:
Compare art page:


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