Read through the questions. The total word count for the response should be at l


Read through the questions. The total word count for the response should be at l

Read through the questions. The total word count for the response should be at least 300 words.
1. The development of linear perspective in the Italian Renaissance was important for the development of art in the period. Primarily, there was a move to ward realism in the 1400’s and artists were encouraged to paint pictures that represented the real world as closely as possible. For your response, discuss your impressions of linear perspective – what did you learn in this module? How might the development of perspective relate to Humanism?
2. Attach an image where you diagram linear perspective in a similar way to what is demonstrated in the videos. You can take a photo or find a picture of a painting (or other image) and then diagram the lines to show perspective. Please attach your image to your post.


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