Module 4 Discussion 1 Ethical Issues in Nursing Purpose The purpose of this assi


Module 4 Discussion 1 Ethical Issues in Nursing Purpose The purpose of this assi

Module 4 Discussion 1 Ethical Issues in Nursing Purpose The purpose of this assignment is for you to learn about the ANA Code of Ethics which every nurse should use to guide professional and ethical practice. This will help you by highlighting important ethical behaviors and practices in the workplace. Task(s) Read OER Chapter 4, Foundational aspects of effective leadership; Nursing Code of Ethics, view the short YouTube video Understanding ethics in nursing and the video Nursing ethics: Moral distress in nursing. Answer the following discussion forum questions in your main post: Describe an ethical issue of concern to you. One which you may have encountered in your professional work environment. Relate the experience to a specific ethical principle/s as noted in the ANA Code of Ethics. Note the specific number and name of the ethical principle. Using principles learned in content, explain one ethical issue you have experienced, your personal and professional conflicts, and how you resolved the issue. Rely on the ANA Code of Nursing Ethics provided in the course and note the specific Provision that is related to your dilemma. After learning about nursing ethics in this course, would you do anything differently? As a nurse leader, how would you guide your staff in a similar situation? Does your organization have policies regarding ethical behavior? Explain. Is there an anonymous process available for nurses to use in reporting breaches of ethics? Grading Criteria This activity is worth 100 points and includes the criteria listed below. Please refer to Discussion Rubric for more details. Criterion 1: Initial post as scheduled (200-400 words) with critical thinking and two references. Remember – Do not quote (if possible) on the discussion board. We want your analytical thoughts after reading the material. Criterion 2: Responded to at least two classmates as scheduled (100 – 200 words) using critical thinking. No additional reference is required. Due Date


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