In this essay you are asked to write a proposal for a solution to a public probl


In this essay you are asked to write a proposal for a solution to a public probl

In this essay you are asked to write a proposal for a solution to a public problem.
Write a proposal that offers a solution to a public problem (1,200-1,500 words) as a means of securing approval whether that be from a city council or an administration or someone else—but do know your audience.
To receive full (100%) credit of the final P2:
The project must meet the word count and include…
• a credible solution to a known public problem;
• three feasible reasons in favor of this claim;
• a short rebuttal or consideration paid to a potential rebuttal;
• writing that is academic, analytical, and organized;
formatting of work and citations in a standard MLA format (1″ margins, 12pt Times New Roman, double-spaced, titled, and a citations page).
Professor comment on the outline: Make sure as you work forward that you focus on the solution. You’re arguing in favor of a solution, not arguing that there is a problem. The bulk should be focused on convincing someone to adapt the solution.


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