First, please share some of the ways in which you create a classroom environment


First, please share some of the ways in which you create a classroom environment

First, please share some of the ways in which you create a classroom environment that encourages your ELL students (and other students 🙂 to engage with print and literacy. Drawing on the chapter you read for today (ELLs Day by Day – Setting up your classroom for ELLs), think about your room through the eyes of an ELL student. How do you integrate your students’ home languages along with English into your classroom literacy environment? Do you include some of the recommended features of a supportive literacy environment described in today’s reading? What COULD YOU DO in the future to improve the biliteracy environment of your classroom and to ensure that the physical and visual features of your literacy environment support and motivates your ELL students’ literacy engagement. You might think about your classroom library, anchor charts or other content-related displays, independent learning centers, labels on materials, the images students see around them, etc. Please do NOT discuss your INSTRUCTION here, as that is not our focus today, unless it is in some way related to the environment itself.


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