BIOLOGY INTRODUCTORY ASSIGNMENT Write an essay of a minimum of 500 words; there


BIOLOGY INTRODUCTORY ASSIGNMENT Write an essay of a minimum of 500 words; there

BIOLOGY INTRODUCTORY ASSIGNMENT Write an essay of a minimum of 500 words; there is not a maximum word count. The essay must demonstrate correct grammar, syntax, and punctuation. The essay must be printed and physically turned in as a hard copy (except in online courses), as well as emailed or uploaded electronically. Handwritten essays will not be accepted. · Please double space your essay and use 12-point Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri font. All assignments must be submitted with the title or heading provided in the instructions. ALL questions must be answered. If you do not feel comfortable with a question, state your reticence and answer according to your comfort level. All assignments must be uploaded into D2L with this page as the first attached page. Topics that must be discussed in the essay at least include, but may not be limited to the following: o What are your career aspirations? o Which other classes are you taking this semester? o Is this course a prerequisite for a healthcare program for which you would like to apply? If so, which program? If not, what is your interest in the course? o Do you currently work in the healthcare field? What is your occupation? o Which science classes have you taken before? o Do you find it easy or difficult to succeed in science classes? o How would you rank your determination to be successful in this class? o How do you intend to balance your personal, work, and academic life? o Were you academically successful in your previous high school or college experience – why or why not? o Do you feel you were adequately prepared for college? o Do you work or have outside obligations that may conflict with your success this semester? What are they? How will you balance them? o What grade do you expect to earn in this class? What do you believe that it will take to earn this grade and are you realistically committed to this goal? o What would you like to learn about in this class? o How will you utilize the information that you learn in this course? o Which topics are your top priority to learn about?


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