“And the Band Played On” documents how social stigma impacted the government and


“And the Band Played On” documents how social stigma impacted the government and

“And the Band Played On” documents how social stigma impacted the government and social response in the first years of the HIV epidemic. It illustrates how politics, economics, and power impacted this response, and the psychological impact it had on those diagnosed with HIV, those who cared about them, and those thought to be at risk. Like your other papers, be sure to make citations from at least 3 resources in the body of the paper and have a works cited section at the end.
Dr. Darrow, portrayed in the film, has visited TCC at least twice to discuss these issues and is a personal acquaintance of mine. Dr. Darrow is a sociologist and it was his research that brought attention to HIV being sexually transmitted even before the virus had been discovered.Potential topics for your paper could be analyzing the social, public health, or, government responses in the earlier years of the HIV epidemic from the Functionalist, Conflict, and Symbolic Interactionist perspectives of Sociology. Likewise, you could analyze the psychological impact of the response on those diagnosed with HIV, those wanting to help them, and the communities or individuals at risk. You could also analyze the social/external forces that influenced (either negatively or positively) the goals of the governmental response to HIV. Here are some forces you could choose to highlight (you don’t have to choose all):
Government officials
Police Officers
In your paper, you can also comment on how modern rhetoric related to AIDS differs from the tone discussed in the film. Do you think we (as a society) think about AIDS in 2017 in the same way we did in 1987? Or 1997? Or 2007?. Approximately three pages with at least three sources. Let me know if you have any questions!


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