1. Research one of these voting systems: a. Mixed-Member Proportional Representa


1. Research one of these voting systems:
a. Mixed-Member Proportional Representa

1. Research one of these voting systems:
a. Mixed-Member Proportional Representation
b. At-Large Proportional representation
c. Instant Runoff – Ranking
d. Single Transferable Vote
e. Electoral College
2. Describe the system. – At least one page
3. State what office the election is for.
4. Design a ballot that reflects the system. Attach this ballot to your homework.
5. ‘Run’ the election.
a. Make up numbers for how many people voted for each candidate
b. If you are using a ranked-choice system, explain how the people who voted for the lower-ranked candidates were redistributed to a higher-ranking candidate.
6. Turn in a chart with the names of the candidates, the number of votes they received (ranking options if appropriate), and report who won the election.
7. Do you think this voting system is the best option? Why or why not?


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