1. Carry out a critical evaluation of the benefits, costs, and risks associated


1. Carry out a critical evaluation of the benefits, costs, and risks associated

1. Carry out a critical evaluation of the benefits, costs, and risks associated with doing business in Japan. (1200 words) 2. Lyft has narrowed down its entry modes into Japan to three options: licensing, a joint venture with a host country firm, or setting up a wholly-owned subsidiary in Japan. Critically evaluate these three options. Which one would you recommend? (1000 words) 3. Use the Geert Hofstede framework on international workplace culture to compare and contrast the cultures of the USA and Japan. Discuss how cultural differences would influcnce business/management practices. (1000 words) 4. Debate the relative merits of fixed and floating exchange rate regimes. From the perspective of Lyfi, critically appraise the most critical factors in the choice between systems. (800 words)


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