You will take your ideas for your Lesson Plan Idea assignment and begin creating


You will take your ideas for your Lesson Plan Idea assignment and begin creating

You will take your ideas for your Lesson Plan Idea assignment and begin creating a draft of your lesson plan, which you will receive feedback on. Use the following instructions/explanation of how to complete your lesson plan and it’s sections, and the lesson plan template.
Based on your subject focus, you will access more information on the following links:
Science or Math: 5 E Lesson Plan
All other subject areas: I Do, We Do, You Do
Below will help you fill out the top part of each lesson plan template:
Be sure you list concepts the student would have had to know and understand before you teach this lesson.
Florida State Standards: (List in bullet or number form)
Include the number of the standard/benchmark(s) and write out the standard/benchmark(s) as well.
Example: LA.L.1.1.7- The students will name all upper and lower case letter of the alphabet.
Lesson objective(s): (List in bullet or number form)
Objectives must be observable / measurable and must be linked to standards. Each objective is tied directly to the standard by stating what the students will be able to know and do in order to understand and meet that particular standard. Each Objective should begin “Students will be able to…”
You will need to visit (Links to an external site.) to obtain the standards for your grade level and subject area you plan to focus on. This site is a great resource to use when creating your learning objectives from the state standards you are choosing to teach in your lesson plan, and it also give ideas on how students can use technology to accomplish the objective activity.
Use the following verb to help you in creating measurable learning objectives based off the standards your lesson will cover.Verb WheelDownload Verb Wheel
Materials: (List in bullet or number form)
Make an itemized list of everything you will need for implementing this lesson. Provide author and title for books and other resources. List under the appropriate person using the material.
Technology Used: (List in bullet or number form)
Listed all the different technologies that will be incorporated into the lesson and who will use them.
Formative Assessment(s): (List in bullet or number form)
List all the formative assessments you will use throughout the lesson, and tell when you plan to use them and how. See form below to help you identify a maximum of 2 that you will implement within this particular lesson. Name the strategy and give a one sentence description on how and when you will use it.
Formative Assessment Strategies


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