This paper will ask you to respond to an editorial in a major publication (ex. L


This paper will ask you to respond to an editorial in a major publication (ex. L

This paper will ask you to respond to an editorial in a major publication (ex. LA Times, Newsweek, etc.) on the topic you have chosen to research. Make sure the piece you have chosen is an editorial, not an “objective” newspaper article or satirical piece. Editorials can be found in the “Opinion” section of most papers.
TOPIC: the negative mental health effects technology has on todays youth
4 pages in essay format (i.e. Intro w/thesis, Body, Conclusion), APA format and free of errors.
Should include the publication information in your introduction paragraph. (author, date, etc).
Should implement a discussion the evidence and follow the CPA format.1) Claim: make a clear statement about the element selected2) Proof: provide direct quotes as well as paraphrases from the piece to back up/prove the claim made about the element using APA format for citations (look for fallacies [if any])3) Analysis: discuss whether or not this choice/approach is effective at accomplishing the author’s purpose (think HOW or WHY here)
Should reflect a critic’s position of the rhetorical elements used and their rhetorical effectiveness


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