MLA Format Directions: Your essay should be formatted as follows: It should have


MLA Format Directions:
Your essay should be formatted as follows: It should have

MLA Format Directions:
Your essay should be formatted as follows: It should have an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Additionally, each essay question must be answered in at least three full paragraphs but no more than 3.5 (not including the cover page). Your essay should be Double-Spaced, in Times New Roman style, in 12-point font, and in MLA format. Lastly, your essay must have a cover page and In-text citations. If you are unfamiliar with MLA format or writing an essay, you can get assistance from the following: NetTutor, on Canvas, the writing center, or the Academic Support Center. Here is the link to the academic support center.
Approved Historical Resources
Course E-Book Introduction to Western Civilization, vol. 1, 5th edit.
Essay Questions: Remember you must answer both questions to receive credit, and you must cite your source
1. How can Muhammad be described as both a prophet and a statesman?
2. What was and is the legacy of the Carolingians?!/4?lti=true – EBook link. please access this link for the text. i will attach my Login and PASSCODE.


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