What does Warren say is the traditional argument against abortion? How does she


What does Warren say is the traditional argument against abortion? How does she

What does Warren say is the traditional argument against abortion? How does she criticize this argument? In particular, why does she think that the argument engages in equivocation involving the meaning of the term “human”? What criteria does Warren use for establishing personhood (and thus membership in the moral community), and what role does this play in her defense of abortion? What is Noonan’s view of abortion and how might Warren critique it? How might Marquis respond to Warren, and on what basis? Evaluate Warren’s criteria for personhood, using philosophical reasoning.How does Corvino respond to the argument that homosexuality is morally wrong because it is unnatural? In responding, consider various understandings of “unnatural” that Corvino discusses. Evaluate his critique of the supposed “unnaturalness” of homosexuality, using philosophical reasoning.


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